Journal Article
No. 2019-45 | October 29, 2019
Victor Dragotă, Daniel Traian Pele and Hanaan Yaseen
Dividend payout ratio follows a Tweedie distribution: international evidence


Dividend policy is still a largely discussed issue in corporate finance literature. One of the main indicators used in analysing the dividend policy is the dividend payout ratio. Using a database consisting of 12,085 companies operating in 73 countries, for the period 2008–2014, the authors found that the dividend payout ratio follows a Tweedie distribution, and not a normal one. This distribution is stable over time for the entire analysed period. In addition, it describes the case of almost all the countries included in the sample. Thus, a better estimation of the probability that dividend payout ratio is lower or higher than a benchmark can be provided. Also, an analysis of dividend policy, distinctly considering payer versus non-payer companies, can offer additional important information for both practitioners and academics.

Data Set

JEL Classification:

G35, C01, C51, C55


Cite As

Victor Dragotă, Daniel Traian Pele, and Hanaan Yaseen (2019). Dividend payout ratio follows a Tweedie distribution: international evidence. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 13 (2019-45): 1–34.