Journal Article
No. 2018-50 | August 10, 2018
Benjamin Douglas Kuflick Wood and Maria Vasquez
Microplots and food security: encouraging replication studies of policy relevant research
(Published in The practice of replication)


Replication research is a valuable, yet often misunderstood, tool for increasing our understanding of promising research findings. In this short paper the authors discuss their principles for conducting replication research, explain how they chose a candidate study for replication, describe their replication analysis robustness checks, and give an overview of their approach to interpreting replication results. They also describe some of their lessons learned after working in replication research for over six years.

JEL Classification:

Q18, O13


Cite As

Benjamin Douglas Kuflick Wood and Maria Vasquez (2018). Microplots and food security: encouraging replication studies of policy relevant research. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 12 (2018-50): 1–12.