Journal Article
No. 2015-2 | January 15, 2015
Edilio Valentini
Indirect Taxation, Public Pricing and Price Cap Regulation: A Synthesis
(Published in Survey and Overview)


This paper provides a unified vision of a number of results that appeared in three separate streams of literature. The author emphasizes the strong parallelism between the results obtained in a number of papers that analyzed the relationships between price cap regulation, welfare maximization, welfare improvements, distributional preferences and poverty reduction and those originating from the well-established theories of optimal indirect taxation and tax reforms, as well as public pricing.

JEL Classification:

D6, L5


Cite As

Edilio Valentini (2015). Indirect Taxation, Public Pricing and Price Cap Regulation: A Synthesis. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 9 (2015-2): 1–39.

Comments and Questions

Lea Kosnik - Theory vs Applied
January 20, 2015 - 19:00 | Author's Homepage
This is a good paper, my main comment is to ask: Where is the relevance/application? This is definitely a theoretical paper, but even theoretical papers can make a minimal effort to apply their findings. Indeed, in the conclusions section of this paper the author states that "an enormous amount of empirical investigations" exists in this literature. If there are so many applications to draw from, why not discuss a few and where the results from THIS paper might fit in and shine some light? Another way to put it: Why should we care if these threads of the literature are theoretically unified? Minor point: years are plural, not possessive. "80's" and "90's" is incorrect. It should simply be 80s and 90s - no apostrophes.