Discussion Paper
No. 2018-11 | January 26, 2018
Katherine Marshall, Shaun Casey, Attalah Fitzgibbon, Azza Karam, Majbritt Lyck-Bowen, Ulrich Nitschke, Mark Owen, Isabel Phiri, Alberto Quatrucci, Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, Msgr. Robert Vitillo and Erin Wilson
Religious roles in refugee resettlement: pertinent experience and insights, addressed to G20 members
(Published in Global Solutions Paper)


Religious entities play significant roles in the current forced migration crisis. These roles include innovative and experience based ideas to address flawed aspects of the humanitarian system, overall advocacy on behalf of refugees and migrants based on humanitarian and spiritual principles, direct action in refugee camps and communities, action in communities that refugees and migrants flee, and support for refugee integration in host countries, including explicit efforts to promote social cohesion and address trauma. Further, assumptions about religion and the religious identity of refugees and migrants play an influential role in societal and policy debates surrounding the crisis, particularly in relation to security and violent extremism. Broadly, however, religious factors and contributions are poorly understood and insufficiently taken into account by policy makers and in think tank analyses of these (among other) issues. In each area of measures to increase religious engagement, including understanding, harmonization and coordination of efforts, and support, could increase impact. G20 agendas and gatherings, as well as those of think tanks, can benefit from purposeful attention to these often neglected dimensions of a central global challenge.

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Cite As

Katherine Marshall, Shaun Casey, Attalah Fitzgibbon, Azza Karam, Majbritt Lyck-Bowen, Ulrich Nitschke, Mark Owen, Isabel Phiri, Alberto Quatrucci, Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, Msgr. Robert Vitillo, and Erin Wilson (2018). Religious roles in refugee resettlement: pertinent experience and insights, addressed to G20 members. Economics Discussion Papers, No 2018-11, Kiel Institute for the World Economy. http://www.economics-ejournal.org/economics/discussionpapers/2018-11

Comments and Questions

Gerasimos Soldatos - article review
January 27, 2018 - 11:27
This is a description of the refugee problem, mainly Muslim refugees, and a quest to deal with this problem in the name of humanitarian and spiritual principles! This is not a scientific paper and should not be published as such.

Anonymous - Referee report
March 26, 2018 - 12:53
Thank you for your contribution. I feel the topic is both relevant and under researched.You present a thorough description of the various religious organizations that are relevant to migrants and asylum seekers.Yet, your analysis touches upon many issues rather broadly and your discussion lacks an empirical underpinning. For a publication in an economics journal it is necessary to base your arguments more strongly on quantitative research findings (especially as you do not provide any kind of own empirical analysis in your article). While there might be little empirical research in the narrow field of the religion refugee resettlement nexus, in the broader field of refugee integration and migrants decision making a range of excellent publications exist that should be considered in your reasoning. Please provide detailed links to the respective empirical literature and make clear how your contribution builds on it and can help to extend it.